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Agent Guide

This little guide will help you become a Agent.

1. Help New Comers of the game so they know what they are doing.

2. Protect the game from any spammers,bad words,etc.

3. Don't Beg to become a Agent because it can lower your chances of actually becoming one.

4. Help people who ask. Don't just shout out who needs help. If you just ask everyone about helping them, you will just annoy them.

5.Look Smart. Don't act smart because you would look like a kiss up. There is a difference

6. Know how the game works like the games and places of the map.

7. Always follow the rules.

8. Make a Chobots blog and post about the game. It helps.

9. Don't ask to be recommend as a agent.

10. Don't threaten to quit when things get hard.

For the real guide. Click Here

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December 10, 2011

postheadericon New Christmas Updates

Hey Guys, It was so hard to keep up with the updates but I got it :)
 Under Construction is located near the Academy. It looks like there is going to be some parties for Christmas over there.
 If you guys didn't notice, The colors for the portals has changed for Sweet Battle and Cho-Throw. Also Cho-Throw is now playable for Non-Citizens if you haven't noticed.
 The tree in the Park got more bigger.
 The Connecting screen is tinted Purple/Blue.
 The Server Title is lighted up my decorations and Space is purple
Image by ChoHelp

The Invite To Button is now Blue instead of Green. The Send mail is now green.
 There are lights at the sides of the glass. There is also a flying Santa sleigh in the background.
 Bew servers have been added. Technotex and Moosetex
 The X Button is tinted Blue at the top left of the circle
 There are lights next to the "Pick A City" title.
The reply button is in a different color now.
[Image: dance.png]
There are now numbers on the dance bubbles.
The family window is now grey and It doesn't reload where you are anymore.
[Image: msgbtn.png]
The buttons changed if you caught any rain and you open the mail.

Decorations in the Pet Shop and Home Shop. They have lights now :)
[Image: connectingscreen.png]
New Loading Text with Santa Hat
So much updates Dx It was hard getting all the images. I hope you like them because they really make Chobots more Jolly xD




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Goals for Me

My Goal is to achieve a good reputation in Chobots. I want to be known for anything good I do like helping out in Chobots. I would also like to become a Agent. I am trying my best to become one because well, It is like a dream for a chobot to become awesome and be cool, and have a good personality. My other goal is to make a Epic Blog. I am trying to improve my blog in visual and in how my post are. I also want it to be known to most chobots in the game.